
From MineScape Wiki


This article gives you tips about training the Fletching skill on MineScape.

This article was written with help of the OSRS wiki.

*NOTE: all experience rates are without any xp booster!


Making arrows is a "Zero Time Method" (ZTM). This means that fletching can be trained entirely while doing other activities. Such as training Slayer and questing. Other ways are making darts and bolts.

Level Item Materials Experience

(per arrow)

1 Headless 1
1 Bronze 1.3
15 Iron 2.5
30 Steel 5
45 Mithril 7.5
52 Broad[1,2] 10
60 Adamant 10
75 Rune 12.5

1. Is currently not added into the live game.

2. Requires the broader fletching slayer reward.


Fletching bolts is another ZTM, which requires less actions to make in comparison to fletching arrows.

Level Item Materials Experience

(per bolt)

9 Bronze 0.5
24 Blurite 1
39 Iron 1.5
43 Silver 2.5
46 Steel 3.5
54 Mithril 5
55 Broad[1,2] 3
61 Adamant 7
69 Rune 10

1. Is currently not added into the live game.

2. Requires the broader fletching slayer reward.


To fletch crowssbows, a player must make a crossbow stock out of a log using a knife. Then, metal limbs must be added using a hammer. Finally, a crossbow string must be added to the unstrung crossbow.

Training Methods

Level 1-5 - Arrow shafts

The best way to get from level 1 to level 5 is by fletching regular logs into arrow shafts, which give 5 experience per log. When you have the logs in your bank this will take you around 2-3 minutes. You'll need around 80 regular logs.

Level 5-99 - Bows

Making bows is a slow method of training Fletching. But using this method will not cost you a lot of money and takes a low amount of effort. Fletching unstrung bows is very AFK (Away From Keyboard) Fletching a whole inventory of unstrung bows will take you exact 43 seconds (tested ingame). In the table below will be explained how you can reach level 99 with only fletching unstrung bows from level 5.

Levels Bow type XP/action XP/H (fletching) XP/H (stringing) Logs needed
5-10 Shortbow 5 8,500 12,250 153
10-20 Longbow 10 17,000 24,500 332
20-25 Oak shortbow 16.5 28,050 40,425 205
25-35 Oak longbow 25 42,500 61,250 582
35-40 Willow shortbow 33.33 56,525 81,462.5 445
40-50 Willow longbow 41.5 70,550 101,675 1,545
50-55 Maple shortbow 50 85,000 122,500 1,306
55-65 Maple longbow 58.3 99,025 142,712.5 4,851
65-70 Yew shortbow 67.5 114,750 114,750 4,269
70-99 Yew longbow 75 127,500 127,500 16,646

Level 1-30 - Iron arrows

Fletch 2,505 arrowshafts (requires 167 regular logs) and attach the same amount of feathers. This will give you level 15, so you can proceed to making iron arrows. Attach 2,505 Iron arrowtips (made with Smithing). This method will give you level 30 fletching

Level 30-99 - Steel arrows

Once achieved level 30 fletching you can proceed to making steel arrows. Fletching those arrows is a reasonably fast method of training Fletching and is also a ZTM. You'll need about 13,000,999 xp from level 30 till level 99. Meaning you need to fletch about 2.6 million arrows. Which will take you a good amount of time. But also this method is very AFK.